UK Boarding Schools Advice


A UK boarding school education turns out well-rounded young people, with good qualifications, a breadth of interests, confidence and independence – a true British boarding school education for life. British boarding schools are a popular choice for many UK based and overseas families.


Our boarding school placement service


In a UK Boarding School your child will be motivated and encouraged to have the self-belief that they can succeed, in an environment that offers independence, success, individuality, team work, self-sufficiency, lifetime friendships, confidence and opportunities to experience a wide range of activities.

  • FREE impartial advice on choosing the best boarding school for your child
  • Guidance on ‘what to look for’ when selecting a UK boarding school
  • A personally recommended list of boarding schools appropriate to each child


Boarding School Expertise You Can Count On


The Anderson Education team of Education Consultants will be able to offer you advice and guidance and recommend schools for you to talk to; they understand that choosing a boarding school for your child is a daunting, emotional and financial decision, made even more difficult when you are living 6,000 miles away.


Each child is different and each boarding school is different. With a little help from the experts you can find that perfect place where your child will blossom and grow to his or her full potential.


We all want to provide the best education for our children to ensure that they reach their potential academically, provide the foundation for future success and above all are happy! We look forward to meeting you at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Dubai Marina for the UK Boarding School Exhibition Dubai.


Featured Boarding Schools


Added: 2020-04-15
Situated in 260 acres of beautiful parkland in Reigate, Surrey, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School is a state boarding school for boys and girls age 7-18.
Added: 2024-05-20
Nestled in the heart of the captivating Ribble Valley, the serene and picturesque surroundings of Moorland School offer a homely place to learn, develop and strive.
Added: 2020-04-15
We work with students to help them gain entry to their chosen university and position students to take on the world of employment with the first class reputation of Abbey DLD Colleges in London, Cambridge and Manchester.
Added: 2020-04-15
St David’s College, North Wales, is a co-educational boarding & day school for ages 9 to 19. A mainstream education school with exceptional Design Technology, Outdoor Education, Sports, and SpLD & dyslexia provision
Added: 2020-04-15
Founded in 1557, Woodbridge School is a co-educational day and boarding school situated in over 40 acres of parkland in the heart of the Suffolk countryside.
Added: 2020-04-15
The Elms is a co-educational preparatory school for pupils aged 3-13 with boarding, flexi and day options. We offer a balance between classroom learning and outdoor pursuits.